Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

To Enable an Alternate Coordinate System

  1. Do one of the following:

    Select Tools > Geospatial > Select Alternate Coordinate System.


    Key in: DMSG ACTION KEYIN MapCSUtilities SelectAltCoordSys

    The Alternate Coordinate System dialog opens.

  2. Use Select From Library to open the Select Alternate Coordinate System dialog. This dialog is the same as the Select Geographic Coordinate System dialog. See the MicroStation help for details on how to use this dialog.

    After selecting the alternate coordinate system, a new entry will be available in the Auxiliary Coordinates dialog as shown.

  3. After selecting the alternate coordinate system, a new entry will be available in the Auxiliary Coordinates dialog as shown.

  4. Enabling the alternate coordinate systems readout is similar to enabling latitude and longitude readout. Double-click the new coordinate system entry to make it active.
  5. In the lower right readout filed, right-click and select running coordinates.

  6. Then left-click and select ACS position.

    The alternate coordinate system is now displayed as the cursor is tracked in the design file.